

Name M.K INC.
Ticker M.K I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo pooh honypotbear
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98024349

Members [1]


u'Our idea on how this corp will be run will involve a team effort i can\u2019t run this corp on my own and will need team leaders like a chef of mining who has hes or hers own team of miners and will look after the day to day running on that side.
I also would like a team of pvp\u2019s to help clear an area of space and escort cargos ships later on help hold gate\u2019s to our new future space. Again witch i would need a chef pvp person to make the day to day running of that side work on a daily basis\u2019s.
PVP will be an all round thing (escorting pirating and seeking out our Enemies.
Cargo Haulers will also be involved highly in the corp running shipment\u2019s back and forth throu space to transport shipments of good\u2019s to stations where needed on a daliy basis\u2019s. Shipment\u2019s will involve running mined materials to our science and industry worker\u2019s, running equipment to our head base and then also running picking up equipment and bringing it to our pos tower when it set up and online.
With Science and industry side of things i will also be looking for a head person to head up all that side of make sure we have supplies available when we need them ( ships, weapons, shields and other bits and bobs that the corp needs.
Mission running teams to help get the corp standings up as well will be an advantage to help witch will involve someone getting people in the corp that are free together in teams and doing corp missions.
Later on we will also be employing someone to oversee the running of our pos tower informing cargo haulers what stuff is needed.
this is a team corp.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-06-02 07:55:51
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